Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Life as I know it...

Once again I have earned a big fat "F" for doing such a terrible job of updating my blog.  We have been busy with, well, life.  Life for now includes being a mommy to my wonderful (and busy!) kidlets; a wife to a total hottie who happens to be a pastor; being involved in church (in charge of our nursery, home group once a week, youth group with the hubs every once in a while, VBS, other special events); trying to not totally hate summer (it's by far my least favorite season, but I'll show you soon what I have made to try to like it and hey, it actually worked!) by doing summer-y things; homeschooling my oldest; trying to get my youngest to learn to sleep; working 2-3 days a week, taking care of a little girl (who is going to have a little brother soon!  going to be a full house!); visiting my parents and my in-laws; and the list goes on!

I tell ya what, I know that there are people who are even busier than I am, and I have no idea how they are able to blog!  I guess they probably prioritize better than I do and make better choices about how to spend free time than I do!

That all being said, I'm going to *try* to give this another try! Stay tuned... :)

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